


首先,S7的全球总决赛主题曲《Legends Never Die》可以说是非常受欢迎的一首。这首歌的曲调充满,歌词也表达了尽管面对失败和挫折,但永不熄灭的精神。由于那年全球总决赛在中国举办,这首歌也赢得了很多中国玩家的喜爱。



总的来说,每首主题曲都有其独特的魅力和背后的故事。然而,从我个人的角度来看,S7的《Legends Never Die》可能是最好听的一首,因为它不仅具有激昂的曲调,还蕴含着一种永不放弃的精神,这种精神也正是比赛的核心价值之一。



s11英雄联盟主题曲中文名叫不可阻挡,英文名叫Burn It All Down,由PVRIS演唱,Alex Seer作词,Eric J and Jason Walsh 混音。


This ain't where the legends come from. You're not what a hero looks like. Pretty little flower won't you sit back down and go play nice. Keep talking keep laughing. One day you'll wish you hadn't. All the people want fire fire. Maybe it's time they meet their dragon. If you're gonna hold me down.

And you're not gonna let me in. Into your castle walls. None of you can keep them. Cause if I gotta. Bu bu burn it all down. Then we'll burn it all down. My oh my look at who end up bigger this time. And if I gotta. Bu bu break it all down. Then let's break it all down. Bye bye bye. Playing with fire.

And we burn it all down. This is where the bruises come from. This is when the game gets ugly. These blood sweat tears keep running. Licking my plate 'cause I'm so hungry. Keep talking keep laughing. One day you'll see what hens. All the people want fire fire.

It's about time they meet their dragon. If you're gonna hold me down. And you're not gonna let me in. Into your castle walls. None of you can keep them. Cause if I gotta. Bu bu burn it all down. Then we'll burn it all down. My oh my look at who end up bigger this time.

And if I gotta. Bu bu break it all down. Then let's break it all down. Bye bye bye. Playing with fire. And we burn it all down. It starts right now. Baby you're surrounded. Put your money where your mouth is. Bury your dous under the ground. And they gonna watch you step over the ashes.

Right now I'm taking my turn with the matches. Cause if I gotta. Bu bu burn it all down. Then we'll burn it all down. . My oh my look at who end up bigger this time. And if I gotta. Bu bu break it all down. Then let's break it all down. Bye bye bye. Playing with fire. And we burn it all down.

叫做《Hybrid Worlds》。

这首歌曲是S3赛季《英雄联盟》全球总决赛上,发布的震撼世界的主题曲,同时也是登录界面的背景音乐,这个音乐其实是总决赛现场开幕式由水晶之法乐队演奏的,没有制作MV。自这场比赛之后,“Hybrid Worlds”开始经常在BO3或BO5的决胜局的Ban/Pick阶段播放。



1、S4赛季:《Warriors》,由Imagine Dragons(梦龙乐队)与Riot Games合作为S4总决赛制作的主题曲《Warriors》,在2014年9月17日发布,在S4决赛中,梦龙乐队主唱丹·雷诺兹和其他成员率先在比赛开始前演唱《Warriors》,而这也是他们第一次登台演唱此曲。

2、S5赛季:《Worlds Collide》,演唱者Nicki Taylor,非常好听的歌曲,但对LPL观众来说,这首歌是伤感的记忆,官方版MV是转动的水晶不断浮现巴黎铁塔、伦敦钟等地标,后面决赛还出了一个新的版本,里代表LGD、EDG、IG的水晶纷纷被击碎。

3、S6赛季:《Ignite》,是由知名DJ Zedd亲自制作编曲的电音风,配以MV对于过往五届全球总决赛精彩镜头的艺术演绎,收录了非常多的经典镜头,包括Yellowstar穿云箭精准制导,暗杀星Toyz发条极限距离击杀带队捧杯,决赛时还推出了Remix版本。